Monday, February 17, 2014

S'mores Puppy Chow


6 c. rice Chex cereal (or any other brand)
1 c. milk chocolate chips
1/2 c. creamy peanut butter
1 c. low fat brownie mix (from the box)
3 c. Golden Grahams cereal
3 c. mini marshmallows

Measure out the 6 cups of Chex and pour into a large bowl. Meanwhile, in a small saucepan, heat the milk chocolate chips and peanut butter on low heat (or if you have the "melt" feature on your stove), stirring frequently. Pour over the cereal and stir until the cereal is covered in the melted chocolate. In a large soup pot, plastic bag, or paper bag, dump in the chocolate coated cereal and the low fat brownie mix. Shake or stir until well mixed. Pour onto a cookie sheet lined with wax paper and let cool. Combine with the Golden Grahams and mini marshmallows in a large container. Also cute in mason jars :-)

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