Thursday, October 29, 2015

Candy Overload Bark

Need a way to get rid of that extra Halloween candy that you seem to have every year? Or a way to use or eat it differently other than unwrapping it and placing it in your mouth? Haha..... This candy bark is perfect! It can be very versatile, even though obviously my theme usually has chocolate involved somehow...

2 1/2 c. Wilton candy melts (I used bright orange with a few lime green and black pieces)
3 mini Butterfinger Cups, chopped
3 mini Snickers Bars, chopped
5 Halloween Oreos (orange filling), chopped
Halloween sprinkles (mine had pumpkins, bats and ghosts)

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Line  a baking sheet with parchment paper. Lay out the orange candy coating pieces flat side down. Break up the lime green and black candy coating and randomly place on top of the orange. Bake for 5 minutes, checking frequently to make sure the edges are not browning. After removing from the oven, use a spatula to run along the top of the melted candy coating, and yes, it is okay if the colors start blending together to create the most strange brown color you have ever seen. The point is for it to be Halloween-esque and be creepy and weird looking!

While the candy coating is still hot/warm, spread out the three kinds of candy as random as possible. Add the sprinkles and gently press down with your hands to push the candy in deeper. Refrigerate for at least 15 minutes. Cut, or break the bark into smaller pieces before serving. These would make a great gift or to bring to a party!

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