Sunday, October 18, 2015

Gouda Chicken Salad

This salad, as weird as it is going to sound, was an awesome combination of random ingredients. I love Gouda cheese, especially smoked Gouda, and pairing it with the balsamic vinaigrette tasted amazing. The salty cheese, sweet tomato, and tangy vinaigrette made for a great salad!


2-3 Tbs. shredded smoked Gouda cheese
1/2 tomato, seeded and chopped
1 rotisserie chicken breast, sliced or chopped
3 c. mixed lettuce
Balsamic vinaigrette

This recipe, being a salad, is very easy to put together. Top the lettuce with the tomato, cheese and chicken and drizzle the vinaigrette on top!

Make sure that you save the bones, skin and any chicken fat instead of throwing it out. It can be made into a homemade chicken broth! You can always freeze it until you are ready to use.

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