Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Graveyard Brownies

With the few ingredients listed below, you have all you need to make some humerus or very spooky gravestone brownies! I decided to go with more of the humor side, and choose sayings like "he loved bacon" and "worm buffet". You can have a lot of fun with these!


1 Batch of brownies (baked in an 8x8 pan, from scratch or box mix)
1 container whipped chocolate frosting (Pillsbury)
1 Wilton Graveyard Kit (Graveyard Kit)
Green candy shreds (Fancy Flours)
When your brownies are fully cool, cut them into 16 rectangles, making sure to measure that the gravestone will fit on the end. Lay a sheet of parchment paper on your flat work surface and add a drying rack on top. Place the brownies on the drying rack, keeping them separate from each other. Open the package of gravestones and write your sayings on them, remembering that the bottoms are going into the brownies so don't write too far down!

Remove the foil cover from the frosting and place the lid back on top, loosely so that it is not sealed. Microwave for 20 seconds, and then stir with a spoon. The consistency should be slightly runny. Spoon about 1 Tbs. of the frosting on top of each brownie, slightly spreading out with the spoon and letting it run over the edges. Gently push the headstone into the brownie at the very end until it stays (the frosting will do most of the work here). Add a few bone sprinkles that come in the pack, and some candy grass! If you don't have the candy grass, or feel like purchasing it, you can always pipe the grass on with frosting, use green dyed coconut shreds, or use crushed cookies for more of the "fresh grave" look.

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