Friday, September 7, 2012

Thyme Bacon Mozza-Parm Pasta

Pasta of choice
3 long slices of bacon, cut in half
1 1/2 yellow onion, small diced
Olive oil
Garlic salt
1/2 c. fresh Mozzarella, chopped or ripped into small pieces
1/4 c. grated Parmesan
2 Tbs. fresh Thyme leaves

Fill a large pot 3/4 of the way with water. Start to heat on high heat. Season the water with salt and about 2 Tbs. olive oil. When the water starts to boil, reduce temperature to a medium-high and add the pasta. Cook the pasta for about 7-10 minutes depending on how thick it is. (Cook the bacon while the pasta is cooking). Set the bacon on a paper towel to drain. Drain the pasta, and place the pasta back into the pot that you cooked it in. Add the chopped onion to the bacon grease, and cook over medium heat, stirring frequently until the onions are transparent. Pour the cooked onion into the pasta pot, and season with garlic salt. Break up the bacon into small pieces and add tot he pasta. Add the Mozzarella, Parmesan and thyme and stir together. If the pasta is too dry, drizzle with olive oil right before serving.

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