Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Sugar Free Banana Bread


2 c. flour
1/2 c. Splenda
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
2 large bananas, ripe and mashed
2 eggs
1 stick butter, melted
1/2 c. sour cream, light
1 tsp. vanilla

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Spray a large loaf pan with non stick cooking spray and set aside. In a large bowl, whisk the flour, Splenda, baking powder and soda, and salt together. Stir in the bananas, eggs, butter, sour cream and vanilla. Pour into the greased pan and smooth the top. Sprinkle the top with cinnamon. Bake for 50-60 minutes until the center comes out clean when a toothpick is inserted. Transfer from the pan to a wire rack and let cool fully.

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