Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Frank's Egg Sandwich

1 egg, fried
2 Tbs. taco seasoned shredded cheddar
Frank's Red hot sauce
Spreadable butter.

Heat your skillet to medium heat. Spray the pan with non cooking spray. Crack the egg into the pan and when the egg is ready to be flipped, season with salt and pepper. Flip the egg over. Press the egg down to break and start cooking the yolk. Sprinkle 1 Tbs. cheese on the side of the egg that is up. Flip the egg over once more. Sprinkle with the remaining cheese. (The point of putting cheese on both sides, is so that the cheese will get crisp and crunchy on the bottom, and gooey on the top.) Toast your bread, and spread with a thin layer of butter. Add the egg on top of a piece of toast. Dash with the amount of hot sauce you prefer. Top with the other piece of toast.

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