Friday, October 31, 2014

Mummy Meatballs


1 roll of Pillsbury pizza dough
16 meatballs from the Garlic Parmesan Turkey Meatball recipe, minus the parsley and garlic
16 edible eyeballs (recipe below also, string cheese and black olives)
1 tsp. ketchup or pasta sauce

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Unroll the pizza dough and cut into strips. Place two meatballs next to each other on the cutting board. Wrap the pizza dough around both meatballs to begin with, and then in random directions and places on the meatballs, leaving room to add the eyes. Place on parchment lined baking sheets. Bake for 19-21 minutes until golden brown. Let cool slightly.

Meanwhile, cut a piece of Mozzarella string cheese into 1/4 inch slices (or however thick you want the eyeballs to be). Using a larger straw, cut out circles in the cheese slices. Using a smaller or regular size straw, cut a smaller circle in the middle of the string cheese circles. Cut a few olives in half. Using the smaller straw again, placing the olive shiny side down with the inside part facing up, cut out little circles. Place the small olive circles in the Mozzarella circles and presto! Edible eyes! I added a dot of ketchup on top of the meatballs to hold them in place.

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