Monday, April 30, 2012

Italian Pinwheel Skewers

 Last week I made a few "appetizers" for my cousin's Preschool fundraiser. I wanted to make some sort of tortilla pinwheel but I wanted them to be small enough to stick on a skewer for easy eating, which is why this delicious recipe was created.

10 (10 in.) tortilla
1 1/2 block (12 oz.) cream cheese
Basil pesto (homemade or store bought)
Red, yellow and orange sweet peppers, cut in thin strips
Basil, ripped into large pieces
2 containers of cherry tomatoes, cut in half

To assemble:
Lay out tortilla. Spread about 2 Tbs. or more onto the surface of the tortilla, making sure to spread as close to the corners as possible. Spread 1 1/2 Tbs. basil pesto onto the cream cheese and leave about 1 inch around the edge. Scatter the bell pepper slices on the tortilla. Starting at the part closest to you, roll the tortilla up tightly. Wrap tightly in tinfoil and refrigerate for at least a half an hour so it is easier to cut into pieces. When you are ready to put the skewers together, Add the tomato, cut side down, a piece of basil, and then a pinwheel. I used a bamboo knotted end toothpick.

This may seem like a lot of tortilla's and you can always cut this recipe down. I ended up cutting each tortilla into 15 pieces once rolled up and made about 150 for the fundraiser. 

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