Friday, June 14, 2013

Pink Flamingo Tiramisu in a Jar

In 2006, my world became a little bit smaller when a woman named Sarah Jackson died. She was the mother of one of my best friends, and pretty much my second mother for ten years. I loved her and her family like they were my own. She was a great person, and had a gentle soul. When she passed away, it was decided that on Flag Day every year, we would take the time to celebrate her life. She was a lover of flamingo's. Her house used to be covered wall to wall with them. So in honor of Sarah on Flag Day, I created Pink Flamingo Tiramisu in a jar.


16 oz. Mascarpone Cheese
4 Tbs. sugar
1 Tbs. coffee extract
3 c. Kahlua coffee, cooled, divided
36 Ladyfingers, each cut into thirds
1 can Reddi Wip
Block of semi-sweet chocolate
Bright pink food coloring

Combine the Mascarpone cheese, sugar, coffee extract, and two tablespoons of the coffee together. Stir in about 1/8 tsp. of pink gel food coloring. Spoon the cheese mixture into a piping bag and set aside. Pour the remaining coffee into a shallow dish. Soak three pieces of the ladyfingers in the coffee no more than 10 seconds (they will fall apart). Place them on the bottom of an 8 oz. mason or jelly jar. Pipe about 1 Tbs. of the mixture on top. Add another layer of soaked ladyfingers, another tablespoon of cheese mixture, shredded chocolate, another layer of ladyfingers, and top with whipped cream and more shaved chocolate. Repeat for the remaining 11 jars. Let set in the refrigerator for at least a half an hour before serving. Serve chilled or room temperature. I topped them with bright pink flamingo picks. 

Below are a few pictures of Sarah. There is also a picture that I took after a memorial service held  for her. We all let our pink balloons go at the same time, and the shape that the balloons started to form in the sky resembles a flamingo. It was pretty amazing. 


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